We make every effort to ship your order as quickly as possible. Items ordered together are not necessarily shipped together. Please allow�up to (15) business days for delivery of in-stock items processing. We will notify you if any item cannot be shipped within 30 days.
We DO NOT accept orders nor do we ship outside the United States.
Less than ----------> Shipping price is... $33.01 -------------> $12.95 $49.99 -------------> $14.95 $69.99 -------------> $16.95 $89.99 -------------> $18.95 $115.99 -------------> $22.95 $150.99 -------------> $28.95 $200.99 -------------> $37.95 $300.99 -------------> $45.95
We are one the east coast in zone eight.
Based upon location an increased shipping charge may be necessary. We will send you an invoice with the addtional cost.
Other zones may also require additional days once shipped.
